Character Design • The Astronaut part 2

 The 60s had the space race, where the USA and USSR were both racing to get a man into space.
A lot of Science Fiction from the 60s show that there was high belief we would find life immediately outside of the earth's atmosphere.

It is impossible to scour all of these movies for a possible appearance for the environment, there are just too many, but in theory I could use a 'modern' design from the 60s for the ship.

Simply googling '60s sci fi spaceship interior' gives you a small variety, there's a mix of simplicity and clean design and rough, grimey and kinda jammed together.
1968 was when 2001 a space odyssey came out, the design of the interiors seem to be simple, you might consider Alien with its rough interior but that was released in 79.
It seems that the 60s had a cleaner hope for the future of space travel, especially as the moon landing was in 69.

I think for the actual astronaut I want to use a mixture of real astronauts and the 60s sci fi variants.
The tin toy astronaut I want to make colourful, or maybe he was once colourful, maybe a little faded, I think I also want to keep the idea of having him dented, old and beloved.
The tin toys sidekick is going to be an alien of sorts, though as a kids toy not creepy like I would like to create but making something child friendly is a challenge to me, which is good.

I wanted to try and design something that was not frightening but also not quite in the style it needed to be, making the tin toy not a toy yet, something to base the toy off of.

Current thought track is that the sidekick is made of a sticky material like the sticky hands, again a colourful character with one eye, Kinda like Mike Wazowski from Monsters, Inc. though instead of a taking sidekick this little alien will be silent with his single eye and 4 extendable limbs.

A little thought on the astronaut is that he can be as simple as a bean with the sidekick actually being his limbs making the astronaut the brains and the sidekick the brawn, like a typical evil duo,
but these two are little heroes so I think the astronaut will need his own limbs of sorts that could be extended with the use of his stretchy companion.
The astronaut's simplicity is at current point unknown, but I want him to stand out against the rest of the environment. 

I need to make a few more variants of the sidekick with different attributes, just going with the first idea that comes to mind is not the best idea.

References and images

1960s space race brief history -

List of 1960s sci-fi movies -

Connecting The Dots - 2001: A Space Odyssey -

More Images from Nasa -

Amazon listing 'Sticky Hands - 10Pcs Kids Party Favour Sticky Hand Toy Fun Stretchy Hands (Send Randomly)' -
