Starting third year

 My last post was my resit submission, and since then I've been working on more personal work.
That being a model for a friend with body rig and little facial rigging, the jaw opens and eyes can blink and he can form a smile with blendshapes.
Although I had some problems rigging at home, may didn't seem to like my rig so I needed to bounce between programs until it worked.
I have also learnt how to upload models to sketchfab, which I appreciate as it shows models nicely and has a nice embed feature, which I believe will look nice on my blog going forwards.
I may need a few posts to get how I want it to look nice and consistent as theres possibility to add turntable animation which I want to test out, but theres also the ability to add general animation to the models which I haven't been able to test yet.

There's a week until I start the third year, so this week beforehand I plan to try and finish off Jetpack Jones, his face needs rigging, I need to make sure his textures are finished, and the turnaround compleated.
This will also help me get back into the swing of things to be able to sit and focus as I've been letting my focus drift a little during my break.

I could also work on my 'Chubby Squid', I left the model at a point where I needed to attach the limbs to the body, but I believe working on Jetpack Jones will help me more in the long run
