Film Review • Time and storytelling

Pulp Fiction (1994) is a cult classic that I've not had a good reason to watch until now.

We start in a cafe with a man and woman, they're talking and end up robbing the place.

We're then taken to Vincent and Jules who are talking about going to Amsterdam and then end up killing a small group of young men for messing about with a gang leader/crime boss, Marcellus. Continuing from here we're then shown a man called Butch being told that his days are almost over, like he's getting older and will lose his skills/abilities, it seems like he's being paid to throw a match.
Which is introducing us to the characters we're going to follow, Vincent, Butch and Jules.

Following Vincent from where we left him, his day consists of buying and taking drugs. He then spends the evening with Marcellus' wife Mia, they go to a diner called Jack Rabit Slims, Mia takes some drugs here and they participate in a dance contest, which they win. The two return to Mia's house, she is in Vincent's coat and finds the drugs he brought earlier, she takes them which leads her to overdose.
Vincent takes her to the dealer who helps by giving her an adrenaline shot. The pair agree to keep the incident between them.

We are then taken back in time to when Butch was a child, we get an explanation on why his watch is so important and the connection it has to his family and where it has been.
This appears to be a flashback as he wakes up ready for the boxing match.
we cut to a woman listening to the radio, who gets in a car and drives off, we then see Marcellus in the boxing place saying he's going to kill Butch. We cut back to Butch who just found out he killed his opponent. When he gets to a motel and checks his stuff he discovers his watch is not there, he loses his mind and despite the dangers heads to his apartment to go get it.
At his apartment he catches Vincent unaware and shoots him, he then runs over Marcellus and crashes his car.
Whilst in a fight with Marcellus, the two end up in a situation where they're bound and gagged in a basement. Butch escapes and has a moment of clarity, looking around he finds a katana and goes back to help Marcellus which gets him out of trouble.

We cut back to the beginning with Jules and Vincent, where they're killing the young men
Jules says he's retiring, Vincent accidentally shoots Marvin who was in the back of the car.
They go to a friends place to clear up the mess of the car, they get a man called Winston Wolfe in, who seems to know what's up. and how to fix the issue. They clear up the car and go for breakfast.

The breakfast is at the cafe at the very beginning and witness the robbery that they planned at the beginning of the film, so we see how it goes.

There's a couple of camera tricks to not show any gore, it's all implied, there's blood, there's needles.
there's half-dead people, and people with bullet wounds, but there's never a headless body.

The film is definitely non-linear, say we start at 2 we then go to 1 playthrough to 4 and go to -1 then to 5 and play through to 6, we then go back to 1 play through to 2 and play to 3.
Looking over what I just wrote it sounds confusing but watching it, it makes sense.
The story is told in a way that lets you know how the three characters have been through and it loops nicely.

There's a case Jules carries which appears to have glowing contents but its never shown what it is, only that Marcellus wants it, this could be a McGuffin, we never see what the actual contents are.
