Blue means Sharks • Body Blocking

 I've roughed out the body motions, and three camera angles.
So far I think I'm happy with them, but as time goes on the camera angles might change.

I haven't added the turn yet, and I've rejigged the last few poses, changing them from three keys to four.
The pupils I've taken out of the picture for now having them aimed above the character, so they are less distracting.
Once I have the eyelids motions in I will add the pupil direction.

The toilet works nicely but I still need to add the salt grinder to it, I may do this as an image on two crossing planes. This is fast as it's just texturing, but if I were to render this scene I should model it out.

My perspective camera started to mess up, but I'm not sure what I did to it.
So I just removed it from the scene and added a new camera, I wasn't using this camera to animate with so I didn't lose anything, It just made the scene easier to navigate than the original camera was letting me.
