Blue means Sharks • Storyboard and Animatic

I settled on the audio I found pretty funny, which I shall name the project after 'Blue means Sharks'.
So starting with a basic sketch of possible motions, I moved into creating a better one starting off as an animatic as that will help me with timing.

There are 352 frames at 24fps.
The first part seemed to work fine, just the ending 'blue means sharks in it' part I couldn't think of the right angle to put the character.

V1 - Forward facing

V2 - Facing left to unseen person

V3 - Facing off camera to unseen person

V4 - The preferred one

After showing V4 to a few friends, they pointed out a flaw or two that were fixed with a few sketches, leading to the final version of the animatic.

The shark at the end is planned to wither be a fin or a small head that pops out, but I can skip this if time is not on my side.
