Jetpack Jones • Skinning 4 and 5

Binding and blending I think is better-shown moving, so as I was working I set little animations up, and play blasted each time I did a few steps, one in wireframe mode and one in smooth mode.
None are perfect as its not got the pose based deformers in yet.

I had a few problems,
one being a random vertex that wasn't weighted to the hand at all being connected to the hand, the other being the weights had jumped around the mesh.
Which I realised may be caused where I forgot to Delete my geometries history, or where I tried to smooth my weights.
I also thought it would be faster to restart the process instead of spending time trying to figure out what had messed up.
So I restarted the weight painting process again, one to fix the problems and two to get a better chance at learning how to do it correctly.

Two things popped up too, on the Left was before I restarted I was playing with the graph editor, whilst moving some bits I accidentally moved the location of the joints leading to the mesh stretching like that. The right image was just the start of weighting the mesh again.
