Demon 6 skull

I tried to focus on modelling but didn't get too long in the last 3or 4 days.
but I did a short project creating this, Named Demon 6, I wanted to do something small and asymmetrical, also focus on drawing the details instead of modelling them, this was the downfall of the project, I need to mix more modelling in with the height maps.

The animation is rough and there are no bones just groups.
It started with a doodle that ended up coloured and furthered.

I wanted to also test having disks as pupils instead of eyes, so I have the eyeballs set to not render but movable with the pupil riveted in place.
Textures were made in substance painter, I tried to match my sketch but made the horns too dark and preferred this appearance.

For a very short project, I learnt a few things.
Firstly geometry is very important, I already knew this but I haven't quite implemented it properly, being as these teeth are added weirdly that the geometry didn't quite line up, if I were to remake I'd sculpt the teeth out of the geometry of the skull instead of separately and then combining them.
Secondly, I didn't use bones, but I really should for animation as its easier to grab than a group of meshes, I also wouldn't have needed to use rivets and hide the eyes if I used bones.
The last thing was not to depend on height and normal maps too much, that was the main thing I was trying to figure out with this.


Another thing to note is that on the 1st starts an event I like to participate in.
I am planning to use this as practice for modelling in a timeframe, as the event lasts about a month and the more you do the better points you get.
