Resit • Starting points

One of my projects failed and I need to resit it, so I've been given the task of animating moom to an audio clip that I've taken out of concept.

So first task would be to find an audio clip.
This can be difficult as there's so many options.

I was initially thinking of taking a Markipler clip as his voice is nice to listen to, which would be good for the lip-syncing. But I found that finding a clip to use was difficult, there was too much to look through and I need to preserve time for actual animating.

I could take old tasks from the 11 second club like I killed him or I don't need your help.

When I asked some friends for suggestions I was given comedy routines.
An audio-only clip of  'The Salt and Pepper Diner' from John Mulaney.
And Randy Feltface's 'Gumtree Story' and 'Brayden can't eat Blue', both feature swearing.

I figured that taking Randy Feltface, as I found two parts that seemed useable.
I took a 20 second or so clip from the Gumtree Story, the vocals are

'Driving over to his house I'm trying to picture what he's going to be like.
His pidgin English might suggest ethnicity of some sort,
but I don't want a racially profile him.
Maybe he's an old man who recently lost his wife,
and he's not very good at texting.
Or maybe,
and I'm really hoping this is the case.
Morgan is just bat shit crazy.'

Play the audio Google drive

I also took about 10 seconds from Brayden can't eat Blue, the vocals being

'And then it's got all sorts of shit in it,
like salt and sharks...
Blue means sharks in it.'

Both of these are originally in a stand-up comedy routine style puppet act.

So an early thought was I could take the original as a leaping point for moom's more articulated acting, as the puppet only has mouth movements and simple arm movements with almost IK like properties.

So far my two images are just to take the first as a conversation, where the other person isn't visible, which might be too similar to the original.

And the second is someone in a boat afraid of the ocean, or a random blue floating cube with a sharkfin just visible.
But with this one, it seems like putting it into context more than taking it out of context.

I'm thinking of seeing what I can storyboard for these, and if nothing too good comes up I will need to look for different audio clips.
