Invisible cities • Thumbnails part 2

the Medusa-shaped chandeliers, why stop at chandeliers, If there are serpents around why not medusa statues?
for Moriana I'm getting a sea theme, so I'm thinking of delving into that possibility.


Armilla I started thinking that the fountains could be like chairs for the Nymphs and Naiads.

This was also a look into possible building shapes
All of them seem cube-like
59 was also a sketch of an interior.


A realization I have just had is that Moriana is not stated as being underwater or above water.
Therefore I think it shall be partially underwater as it seems the only inhabitants mentioned are described as dancing girls with silvery scales so those living in the houses are not completely human.

I have decided to focus on Moriana from here on out.


Finally the texts I was using.
The parts that stood out to me.
