Invisible cities • Thumbnails part 3

I have realized I'm thinking too much into these thumbnails
I need to speed up with them and get more done.
A color scheme is appearing
possibly the final colors will be blues greens purples and coral for the gates

Browns blacks and rotten wood for the center, the dump a wasteland compared to the niceness of the outside.

The town is past a mountain pass, so its possible to have that visible in some views

maybe have these last 27 thumbnails focus more on the shots.

 Exterior Establishing Shot, Exterior Low Angle Shot and an Interior Establishing Shot.

Now I have a few questions to ask myself
Where in the town would be best for these shots?
Should I show more of the pretty side or the dark underside?
Will I be able to mix the two seamlessly?

Would the dump alone count as an interior?
Does underwater count as interior? as I seem to be treating it as such in this town
