Jetpack Jones • Head Tutorials almost complete

 Tutorials 7 to 14 are now complete.

Visual things of note

faces overlapping on the eye 
during creation

The Inside of the mouth
has been added
(explained below)

I think I'm just gonna turn incremental autosaves on for every 30 minutes, have it save and go through them after to clear up what I don't need afterwards.

Granted it can grow huge but at least it will save progress, but I tend to make mistakes so it would be beneficial to me until I stop making little mistakes like editing multiple meshes at once and removing so much stuff without realising.

This was the fourth attempt at the model, each time I got further.

I thought I had messed up with the third where it looked too twisted, but watching the later videos a way to fix that. I will spend another day this week getting the third version or a fifth to get a finished head model.

I remember making eyeballs in the past a similar way, but the way I used to do it was take the pupil into the eye to make depth, having it as just black or a normal map makes better sense as its less geometry in the eye itself.
